Vecteezy contributors are able to make money by creating and uploading vectors, stock photos, and stock videos for our users. As a contributor, you’ll earn money every time one of your resources is downloaded, regardless of whether you’re a Free or Pro contributor.
If you create resources that our visitors are eager to download, you’ll be well on your way to success as a Vecteezy contributor. In this article, we’ll take a look at a few specific ways you can anticipate demand from our users, which will help you to know what types of resources you should be creating. Rather than spending your time on resources you hope will generate interest, you’ll be able to focus on the types of resources that are getting results.
1. Design for Upcoming Seasons and Holidays
Visitors often turn to Vecteezy when they’re looking for an image or video to use within their seasonal or holiday-themed designs and marketing campaigns. These users are looking for very specific content and creating resources with certain seasons and holidays in mind is a great way to get more exposure and more downloads. Many of our top contributors have a large collection of resources that have been created for seasons and holidays.
You’ll need to plan ahead in order to maximize your impact with these types of resources. We recommend working at least 3 months in advance since many of our users will be working on their holiday-themed designs and projects several weeks or a few months before the holiday. Make use of the contributor calendar we’ve created to highlight opportunities that exist throughout the year. The calendar includes more than 60 holidays and events that could be the subject of your resources.
2. Pay Attention to Cultural Issues
Major headlines and cultural issues will impact the types of vectors, photos, and videos that users are searching for. During 2020, we saw a huge increase in search traffic related to keywords like:
- Diversity
- Activism
- Masks & Coronavirus
As you can see, the prevalent cultural and societal issues had a significant impact on the types of resources that our users needed and the words and phrases they used to search for that content.
Contributors who were paying attention to the cultural issues were able to anticipate demand and see the opportunity in creating these types of resources that users needed.
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While 2020 was a year unlike any other, there will always be issues and trends related to our society and culture that will impact the types of stock resources end-users will be looking for. For some current ideas, be sure to read our articles on vector design trends, stock photo trends, and stock video trends.
3. Respond to Calls for Content
Every month, we publish a call for content that helps contributors identify some specific types of resources they can be creating. The calls for content are published on our blog and sent to contributors by email. This is a great opportunity for contributors because we’re providing recommendations based on the data we see, as well as things like upcoming seasons and holidays. With the calls for content, we’re essentially anticipating the demand for you and providing you with ideas.
4. Check Your Download Stats
When you log in to your Vecteezy contributor dashboard, you’ll be able to see how many times each of your files have been downloaded. This is a really easy way to see what’s working for you, and you can use this data to know the types of resources you should focus on going forward.
Rather than simply creating and uploading random resources that may or may not be of interest to our users, you can see which resources are generating the best results for you and create more resources that are similar in some way.
5. Browse Trending and Popular Resources
On the Vecteezy homepage, you’ll see a selection of trending and popular content, as well as resources that have been hand-picked and curated by our staff. By browsing these popular resources, you can get an idea of what visitors are looking at and downloading. You may be able to use that information to brainstorm and come up with some ideas for your own resources based on the trends you see.
By using the methods covered here, you’ll be able to use your time effectively by focusing on creating the right types of resources. When you’re stuck and not sure what you should be creating, turn to these tips. This approach will give you the best chance to fill your portfolio with resources that Vecteezy users will love.
If you don’t already have a contributor account, please sign up here.
Lead image by deandrobot